Global Philanthropy Project
In April 2020, GPP conducted a survey in order to understand emerging practices and principles for COVID-19 response among funders supporting global LGBTI issues, share common learnings and opportunities for collaboration, and inform how GPP can support the community of global LGBTI funders over the course of the pandemic and beyond. The survey focused on GPP member funds as well as non-GPP members in the top 20 funders of global LGBTI issues (based on the 2017-2018 Global Resources Report).
The brief contains findings on:
- Common principles and innovative initiatives global LGBTI funders have commenced since the pandemic began;
- Key issues that LGBTI funders are hearing from grantee partners;
- Actions global LGBTI funders have taken to respond to these issues;
- Initial planning or forecasting on implications for global LGBTI funders, including new resources;
- Recommendations for global LGBTI philanthropic community collaboration in response to COVID-19 impacts on LGBTI communities across the world.
In response to the key recommendations from this survey, GPP will monitor shifts in resource flows to LGBTI movements and communities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. We plan to undertake a follow up survey of these leading global LGBTI funders in July 2020 and will also publish those results here.
Survey Results: May 2020 Report
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