Global Philanthropy Project, Equality Australia
The Australian Government has a unique opportunity to show leadership in Asia and the Pacific to advance LGBTIQ+ rights.
Partnering with Pride was written by leading LGBTIQ+ groups across Asia and the Pacific, in partnership with the Global Philanthropy Project and Equality Australia.
The report recommends that Australia:
- Provide $15 million per year for LGBTIQ+ community groups in the region to help prevent legal and social stigma and discrimination
- Develop a strategy to guide Australia’s support for LGBTIQ+ human rights
- Ensure Australia’s high-level representatives promote and uphold the rights of LGBTIQ+ people around the world
Read the Press Release From Equality Australia
- Australia to advocate for LGBTQ rights in Asia-Pacific (Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2023)
- A ‘historic opportunity’: Calls for Australia to increase support for LGBTIQ+ communities in Asia Pacific (SBS News, 20 February 2023)
- Australia can be LGBTQI rights champion in Asia-Pacific (Sydney Morning Herald, 19 February 2023)
- Encouraging the Australian Government to invest $15 million a year for LGBTQI rights in the Asia Pacific region (APCOM)
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