
Young Feminist Fearless Holding the Line

Restless Development, powered by Young People

From preventing access to sexual health services in the United States and banning girls from education in Afghanistan, to restricting digital feminist organizing in China and brutally suppressing feminist activism in Iran, the global rollback of rights is coordinated, well-funded, and gaining momentum everywhere.

This year’s State of Youth Civil Society ReportYoung, Feminist, and Fearless: Holding the Line—focuses on feminist movements and their critical role in making the world more equitable, safe, and accessible for everyone. This research is the result of interactions with young feminists from 82 countries, including 127 individual interviews, 20 focus group discussions, and 847 responses to a global online survey.

Restless Development found that while young feminists are largely optimistic about the future, their resilience is waning. Without a concerted effort to support them sustainably, they risk burning out. This report highlights the critical need for feminist allies to play a more significant role in supporting young feminist movements—both through increased funding and the type of funding made available.

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