GPP at ILGA Asia
4-8 December 2017
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Event Details will be shared after RSVP

Hosted by Open Society Foundations

This is a private, grantmaker-only event.
The event is a non-solicitation space. 

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1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Room: Orchid 1

Dialogue with Grantmakers
Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) is a collaboration of funders and philanthropic advisors working to expand global philanthropic support to advance the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in the Global South and East.

This session invites several grant-makers who have been funding SOGIESC projects in Asia. 

Global Philanthropy Project events bring together key public and private grant makers, donor governments, high net worth individual donors, philanthropic thought leaders, and other partners within the LGBTI movement to develop strategies responding to current trends and opportunities. We aim to foster a shared understanding of the needs of the field, and identify and encourage opportunities for alignment, collaboration, and learning as donors.


Additional Resources from GPP & our members:

One-page Regional Focus Grantmaking Data
Data from 2013-2014 Global Resources Report: Philanthropic and Government Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Communities


The Perfect Storm: The closing space for LGBT civil society in Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, Kenya, and Hungary (GPP, 2016)


In Our Bones: Stories of Women Defending Land, Community, Human Rights, and The Environment in Indonesia and the Philippines. (Urgent Action Fund, 2016)

This report features the case studies of nine grassroots women human rights defenders working to protect the environment, human rights, and gender equality in Indonesia and the Philippines. The case studies are excerpted from individual interviews and group discussions during a convening held by Urgent Action Fund and the Samdhana Institute in Indonesia in September 2015.The report closes with recommendations for donors and allies.

See their site resources including country-specific reports from IndonesiaThe PhilippinesViet NamCambodiaChinaThailandMongolia, and Nepal.  (English-language documents linked here, see Being LGBTI in Asia site for additional languages)

Additional Resources:

A Regional Contextual Analysis of the LGBTI Movement in South & South East Asia, Published by COC Netherlands, July 2017


Human Rights Watch Reports

“Have You Considered Your Parents’ Happiness?” Conversion Therapy Against LGBT People in China (November 2017)

“Just Let Us Be” Discrimination Against LGBT Students in the Philippines (2017)

“These Political Games Ruin Our Lives” Indonesia’s LGBT Community Under Threat (2016)

“The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered Down” LGBT Bullying and Exclusion in Japanese Schools (2016)

“I Want to Live With My Head Held High” Abuses in Bangladesh’s Legal Recognition of Hijras (2016)

“All Five Fingers Are Not the Same” Discrimination on Grounds of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Sri Lanka (2016)


Being LGBTI in Asia is a regional programme aimed at reducing inequality and marginalization on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). The programme is a collaboration with civil society, and engages national and regional institutions to advance protective laws and policies, and empower civil society. It supports policy and operational research, and strategy development among vulnerable groups and a range of key stakeholders at national and regional level. The programme recognizes that specific LGBTI populations, including lesbians, gay men, transgender men and women and intersex persons face varied and diverse experiences depending on their distinct gender identities and expressions, and social cultural context.

The programme is supported by UNDP, the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok and the U.S. Agency for International Development.


View publications from The Asia and Pacific Transgender Network, including: Finding Our Place, Finding Our Voice’ mapping report (2015), the first attempt for the regional network to map out the transgender organizations in Asia and Pacific.


ILGA Asia welcomes LGBTIQ activists, experts and scholars working on SOGIESC issues and all other allies to the 7th Asia Regional Conference from 4-8 December 2017. This time, the conference will take place in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia (venue announcement to come). This conference is hosted by Rainbow Community of Kampuchea (RoCK).

Read/Download Final Conference Program Guide

Find out more about the conference at

Note: Registration closed on 20 November 2017

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