ILGA World Donor Pre-Conference: March 19, 2019
Wellington, New Zealand
Michael Fowler Centre


GPP’s Donor Pre-Conference is an international donor consultation focused on global LGBTI issues. Together with the host committee we convene key public and private funders, donor governments, corporate funders, high net worth individual donors, thought leaders, and others. This year’s meeting will have several sessions that focus on Asia and the Pacific Region. 

The meeting will focus on themes including:

  • Mapping LGBTI Movements in Asia
  • Community Led Crisis Response Mechanism
  • Responding Anti-Gender Ideology and LGBT Rights
  • Legal Reform Lessons Learned in Asian and the Pacific

Attendees will gather for a full day convening on March 19th.
On the evening of March 18th, conference participants are invited to a Parliament dinner reception, celebrating Aotearoa New Zealand and Oceania.


Please note: This is a private gathering, by invitation, and a non-solicitation event.
For any questions about the pre-conference, contact GPP.

Attending the meeting but don’t remember the site password? Contact


The next ILGA World Conference will take place in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, from 18-22 March 2019.
[Note: Registration for the Donor Pre-Conference is a separate process, see above]

Donor Pre-Conference Advisory Group


Saartje Baes, Mama Cash
Namita Chad, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
Gregory Czarnecki, Open Society Foundations
Michael Heflin, Open Society Foundations
Lame Olebile, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

ILGA World 2016 (Bangkok, Thailand) Donor Pre-Conference

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