Report Launch: Vibrant Yet Under-Resourced: The Global State of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Movements
Thursday, June 25, 2020
10:00 AM ET/ 4:00 PM CEST/ 5:00 PM EAT
Report Launch: Vibrant Yet Under-Resourced: The Global State of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Movements
Thursday, June 25, 2020
10:00 AM ET/ 4:00 PM CEST/ 5:00 PM EAT
Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer (LBQ) movements are integral to creating a fabric of justice and equity through their dynamic and intersectional work. Yet the budget sizes of these organizations remain abysmally small with nearly 40 percent working with budgets of under $5,000 per year. One-quarter of those groups operate without any budget at all. LBQ movements’ resourcing has not kept pace with the innovative ways in which they are working.
This is particularly important to highlight at this moment of a global pandemic, and increasing nationalist isolation and populist politics. LBQ-identified women and non-binary people’s lives continue to be threatened every day, and the pandemic has resulted in surges in domestic violence, criminalization, and surveillance. Now more than ever we need to support LBQ-identified women and non-binary activists building a new political reality that is inclusive, respectful, and safe for all oppressed and marginalized communities.
Join Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice and Mama Cash in a discussion of the findings of their new report “Vibrant Yet Under-Resourced: The State of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Movements.” The webinar and report will include specific recommendations for donors interested in learning how best to support the valuable and vital work of LBQ communities, based on the needs and priorities identified by activists, and on the funding strategies shared by public and private foundations, women’s funds and other intermediaries. Join this call hosted by Global Philanthropy Project to learn how funders can respond as LBQ organizers often do, with intersectional organizing mechanisms and collective care approaches.
Silvia Casalino
Executive Co-Director
EuroCentralAsian Lesbian Community (EL*C)
Ana María Enríquez
Executive Director
Human Rights Funders Network
Chantelle de Nobrega
Programme Officer for Body
Mama Cash
Mariam Gagoshashvili
Senior Program & Advocacy Officer
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
Mukami Marete
Co- Executive Director
Nevin Oztop
Programme Associate
Oak Foundation
David Sampson
Deputy Director
Baring Foundation
Ghiwa Sayegh
Editor in Chief
Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research