Funder Briefing Call about Caster Semenya’s Legal Case
Tuesday 9 July 2019
11 am EDT, 5 pm CEST, 5 pm SAST, 4 pm BST

In May, the Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS) issued a preliminary decision upholding the new regulations of the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF), which would require Caster Semenya to take testosterone-reducing medication in order to compete in middle distance races, for which she has won Olympic gold medals. Caster is challenging this ruling and so far the Swiss courts have upheld her right to continue to race without such medically unnecessary interventions. 

Sports fans celebrate the exceptional – celebrating those who have a competitive advantage due to their naturally occurring physical characteristics. Many elite athletes have specific genetic factors that correspond with their athletic success such as swimmers with larger than “normal” feet, runners with larger than “normal” hearts or lung capacity. Caster Semenya is no different. It is deeply concerning that women are being asked to undergo medical interventions to continue competing in sport — especially when there is not conclusive scientific evidence that higher natural testosterone provides a competitive advantage. Genetics alone do not make for athletic success; many other factors contribute to an athlete’s success, including extremely hard work and determination. 

This call is for interested funders to learn more about Caster’s legal appeal, the importance of this case for issues of gender, race, intersex bodies and the world of sports. There is also an active campaign to raise the necessary funds for her legal appeal. 

“Sport Disrupted: Sex_uality Matters”
October 30-31, 2019

Donor Post-Conference
November 1, 2019

Join Dreilinden gGmbHDiscover Football, and Global Philanthropy Project for a Conference and Donor-Post Conference on Sports and LGBTI Rights. 

The conference focuses on:

  • effects of sports gender binary as well as homophobia on the daily lives of amateurs and professionals
  • use of sports as tool for empowering LBGTIQ people
  • lessons to learn from non-binary grassroots sports and LGBTIQ projects
  • visions for a non-binary sports world and a fair competition
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