Webinar: Supporting Global Trans Communities During COVID-19

Monday, June 15th
10 am EDT/ 4 pm CEST/ 5 pm EAT


The pandemic and surrounding politics are on track to have devastating effects on marginalized LGBTI communities, and trans communities in particular. Trans-led groups have already reported governments using COVID-19 to enact transphobic laws and/or repress trans communities; trans people have been excluded from receiving emergency aid; and trans-led movements have seen funders pull back and or pause planned grants.

Join the Global Philanthropy Project’s Trans and Intersex Working Group and the International Trans Fund for a grantmaker webinar on the reality and impact of COVID-19 for trans movements. Hear concrete recommendations in funder actions, learn of solid practices, explore how to make your first trans grant, grow your portfolio, and do listening and learning from trans communities on how to do better grantmaking. 

The webinar will provide funders with insights about how COVID-19 is impacting trans-led groups across global regions, and offer space to strategize together about effective responses in the short, medium, and long term.

Please note: this webinar is intended for a limited audience of grantmakers only. 

Webinar June 15th

Donor Recommendations (Provided by The State of Trans Organizing)

  1. Support trans groups by continuing to identify new groups to fund, particularly those not receiving a grant from other donors
  2. Increase the amount of funding available to trans groups, both through giving larger, longer-term grants and generating interest in trans issues among new donors.
  3. Government funders, both bilateral donors and national, state or municipal governments, should prioritize increasing access for trans groups to the human rights and development funding they provide.
  4. Enlist new donors to support trans groups and encourage them to explicitly state their interest in funding trans work.
  5. Lower barriers to trans groups’ access to funding; simplify applications and be flexible in application and reporting processes.
  6. Support autonomous groups and those with more trans leaders and decision-makers, especially those with leadership that reflects their constituents. This will bolster support for transfeminine leadership.
  7. Support capacity building and training opportunities for trans groups, particularly those related to organizational development and healing from trauma and/or burnout prevention.
  8. Invest in activities that trans groups prioritize but cannot do because of lack of funding, particularly those related to securing a sustainable livelihood and advancing struggles for economic justice.

Webinar PowerPoint

Fullscreen Mode


Raisa Borshchigova,
Program Officer, Urgent Action For Women

Mauro Cabral Grinspan,
Executive Director, GATE

Felix Endara,
Program Associate, Foundation for a Just Society

Rebecca Fox,
Senior Program Officer, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

Cleopatra Kambugu,
Director of Programs, UHAI EASHRI

Tshepo Ricki Kgositau-Kanza,
Executive Director, Accountability International

Jabu Pereira,
Executive Director, Iranti

Viviane Vergueiro Simakawa,
Project Coordinator, AKAHATA 

Joe Wong,
Executive Director, APTN

Program Officer, International Trans Fund

Pic 1 (Colectivo Trans Formacion)
Pic 2 (CTU)
Pic 3 (GTSA)
Pic 4 (SEED)

Photos provided by International Trans Fund’s grantee partners for their report on COVID-19. (Colectivo de Hombres Trans Trans-Formación, Guatemala, Colectivo Trans de Uruguay, Uruguay, Greek Transgender Support Association, Greece, Pertubuhan Pembangunan Kebajikan dan Persekitaran Positif Malaysia (SEED), Malaysia) 

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