Rapport De La Recherche Exploratoire Sur Les Besoins En Financement De La Communaute Queer D’Afrique Centrale
Where do our resources come from? Mapping of Technical and Financial Partners of the LBTQ Movement in Francophone West Africa and Cameroon in 2021
Faith-Based Efforts in East Africa to Combat Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Data Collection and Reporting on Violence Perpetrated Against LGBTQI Persons in Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Uganda
Defiant: Landscape Survey on Violence Against LBQ Women, Trans People, and Female Sex Workers in Burundi
2015-2016 Informe de Recursos Globales: Apoyo gubernamental y filantropico para comunidades lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero e intersex
REINFORCING MARGINALIZATION: The Impact of the Closing of Civic Space on HIV Response in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda
Landscape analysis of LGBTI and sex worker organising in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo