GPP ResearchGRR Briefs

Diving Deeper Series: Under the surface of LGBTI funding data

In 2021, for the first time, GPP shared a series of “Diving Deeper” briefs to explore a number of new analyses using the 2017–2018 Global Resources Report dataset. These briefs focused on: global LBQTI funding, the role of intermediaries and government embassies in global LGBTI funding, and funding for LGBTI sex workers. This series further illuminates the importance of the Global Resources Report data in ongoing strategy and advocacy towards impactful resourcing of LGBTI human rights advancement and inclusive development. The “Diving Deeper” briefs are developed to serve as tools for LGBTI movements, funders, and policy makers.

The “Diving Deeper” brief series is developed by the GPP staff, with additional review and feedback from members and other key partners.

Brief #1
LBQTI Funding

Diving Deeper: Under the surface of LBQTI funding data explores gaps and improvements over time and identifies opportunities to increase funding for LBQ, trans, and intersex communities and movements. The brief also identifies top LBTQI funders and shares good practice examples of government and multilateral funders integrating LBQTI issues into their gender equality development programming.

Brief #2
Intermediary Funding

Diving Deeper: Under the surface of Intermediary funding data compares data on different types of intermediaries in order to provide greater understanding to the field about how, where, and to whom intermediaries are distributing resources. The brief also examines how government, multilateral, and private foundation funders partner with intermediaries to support global LGBTI rights and development.

Brief #3
Embassy Funding

Diving Deeper: Under the surface of LGBTI embassy funding data examines the extent to which embassies are providing resources for local LGBTI movements, the types of organizations and issues that are supported, as well as best practice examples. At a time when major development assistance streams supporting LGBTI issues are being stretched and in some instances reduced, and when LGBTI organizations face funding shortages, this brief provides government donors and other advocates with evidence about how embassy funding can be used to support and strengthen local movements.

LGBTI Sex Worker Funding

Diving Deeper: Under the surface of LGBTI Sex Workers funding data explores funding for global sex workers as a population and funding focused on sex worker human rights as an issue. The factsheet also offers recommendations for LGBTI funders and additional resources. This resource was co-developed for International Sex Worker Rights Day 2021 by Global Philanthropy Project and Red Umbrella Fund with Funders for LGBTQ Issues and the Sex Worker Donor Collaborative.
The factsheet is available in English, Spanish, French, and Russian.

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