Who We Are

Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) is a collaboration of funders and philanthropic advisors working to expand global philanthropic support to advance the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in the Global South and East.

Established in 2009, GPP’s 23 member organizations include many of the leading global funders and philanthropic advisors for LGBTI rights. As the first international cohort of LGBTI funders, GPP is internationally recognized as the primary thought leader and go-to partner for donor coordination around global LGBTI work.

GPP is a key source of strategic research and analysis for global LGBTI funders. GPP also plays a central role in convening philanthropists and human rights activists for opportunities to increase knowledge, skills and capacities towards expanding global LGBTI funding. These convening spaces include donor pre-conferences during regional LGBTI convenings, funder webinars, and report release events.

GPP activities are organized through a number of structures including task forces, working groups, and advisory committees.

The Board of Directors serves as the governing body. Learn more about GPP Governance.






Explore our Initiatives

LGBTI Pathways Project

The LGBTI Pathways Project is a global resource mobilization project coordinated by GPP and ILGA World. The Project will develop credible, reliable, and accurate evidence on the needs, priorities, and funding landscape of the international and regional LGBTI movements.
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Government & Multilateral Funding

GPP members strategize and collaborate through this task force to increase the amount and influence the type of multilateral and bilateral aid and development funding dedicated to global LGBTI issues.
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Responding to Anti-Gender Ideology” (RAGI)

GPP mobilizes coordinated philanthropic responses to “anti-gender” issues, holding a critical role in the ecosystem of grantmakers, philanthropic networks, and other systems of decision-makers and thought-leaders engaged in this work.
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Trans and Intersex Funding

GPP mobilizes new research and supports collaborative funding efforts towards increasing the amount and influencing the type of funding dedicated to trans and intersex issues globally.
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Regional Cafés

GPP’s regional cafés provide space for regionally-focused LGBTI grantmakers to strengthen networks and resources.
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Our goals

Cultivate and deepen the knowledge, skills and capacity of GPP members and other funders in support of global LGBTI issues.

Increase the amount and influence the type of private and public foundation funding dedicated to global LGBTI issues.

Increase the amount and influence the type of multilateral and bilateral aid and development funding dedicated to global LGBTI issues.

Increase the amount and influence the type of philanthropic giving from individual donors dedicated to global LGBTI issues.

Increase the amount and influence the type of philanthropic giving from corporations dedicated to global LGBTI issues.

Build a dynamic, responsive, and effective structure enabling the GPP network.

Join us!

Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) was established in 2009 as the first international cohort of LGBTI funders, in response to ongoing global funding inequity. Today, GPP is internationally recognized as the primary partner and thought-leader for global LGBTI fund mobilization and donor coordination, and continues to advocate and organize to identify, document, and address these funding gaps.

GPP is a key source of strategic research and analysis for global LGBTI funders, and plays a central role in convening philanthropists and human rights activists for opportunities to increase knowledge, skills and capacities towards expanding global LGBTI funding. These convening spaces include donor pre-conferences during regional LGBTI convenings, funder webinars, report release events, and more.

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