Manufacturing Moral Panic:
How Gender-Restrictive Forces are Weaponizing Children to Undermine LGBTI Human Rights

OutSummit 2021
December 9th from 10:40AM – 11:40AM EST

Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) and Elevate Children Funders Group (ECFG) invite you to attend our OutSummit session that will offer LGBTIQ activists a global analysis of “gender-restrictive” organizing tactics and provide resources for recognizing, understanding, and responding to this kind of opposition. In this session, GPP and ECFG will present learning from their new report “Manufacturing Moral Panic: Weaponizing Children to Undermine Gender Justice and Human Rights,” authored by the research team Sentiido, and will also share a video and other resources co-developed to encourage funders to support LGBTIQ Youth.

“Manufacturing Moral Panic” identifies global characteristics of the contemporary “gender-restrictive” movement, presenting a timeline of its development, consolidation, and expansion. The report then offers three country-level case studies, focused on Bulgaria, Ghana, and Peru. This new report identifies an alarming set of trends and similarities across geographies and institutions, with gender-restrictive forces using fear about LGBTIQ people and youth to stoke panic in order to radicalize populations and create conditions that contribute to weakening democratic systems and, in the worst cases, state seizure. Session speakers will share analysis of the opposition’s tactics, and tools for making the case to funders and other allies to mobilize resources in defense of LGBTIQ human rights, including LGBTIQ youth.

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