
How can philanthropy support trans movements to fight against anti-gender attacks?

November 29 - November 29, 2023

4:00 am - 5:30 am (GMT-05:00)

Governments and Foundations supporting Trans movements are working together to respond effectively to the impact of anti-gender actors. Their impact is deep and complex, as it goes from denying legal gender recognition to banning healthcare access, from restricting access to bathrooms to denying access to information, from promoting “conversion therapies” to criminalizing trans people, their families, and their doctors. Join GPP and our co-hosts to explore innovative solutions and real-time examples for innovative responses to meet the challenges, resource resistance, and support trans movements around the world. 

This is a grantmaker-only event. Grantmakers include employees of public and private foundations, donor governments, corporate funders, high-net-wealth individuals, wealth advisories, and funder networks.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Chivuli Ukwimi

    Chivuli Ukwimi

    Deputy Director, International Trans Fund (ITF)

    Chivuli Ukwimi is an African trans activist and an international development and public health specialist with extensive experience in program development, grant making and philanthropy. She is the current deputy director of the International Trans Fund (ITF). Chivuli has also managed multiple grant making and philanthropy portfolios within various public and private foundations.

    Chivuli is a current board member of IRANTI and Astraea Lesbian Foundation, and has previously served as a founding board member of African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR) and board chair for Dignitate Zambia.

    Deputy Director, International Trans Fund (ITF)

  • Heather Benjamin

    Heather Benjamin

    Director - Nebula Fund

    Heather Benjamin is the founding director of Nebula Fund, a collaborative fund built to strengthen the narrative power of movements advancing gender justice and LGBTQI+ rights in order to advance an inclusive, just, and hopeful vision for the world, and to more effectively counter anti-gender opposition actors.

    Director - Nebula Fund

  • Lane Harwell

    Lane Harwell

    Program Officer, Creativity and Free Expression - Ford Foundation

    Lane Harwell is a nonprofit and philanthropic leader working to advance mission-driven organizations on the frontlines of social change. Currently a Program Officer of Creativity and Free Expression at Ford Foundation, Lane manages a national grants portfolio focused on the intersection of arts and culture, civic engagement, and justice. They helped organize Ford’s participation in Grantmakers United for Trans Communities and serve as the point person for Trans and Repro Futures, a new three-year, $10 million effort to strengthen cross-movement organizing.Prior to Ford, Lane was the Executive Director at Dance/NYC. They founded Dance/NYC as an independent nonprofit in 2012 and grew it from the ground up to serve more than 1,200 dance makers and companies.Lane’s professional and educational background encompasses creative, business, and civic realms, including an MBA from Columbia Business School and an early career as a ballet dancer.Lane sits on the boards of Funders for LGBT Issues and Association of Performing Arts Professionals. They also currently co-chairs New York Grantmakers in the Arts, a peer network of grantmakers. TLane identifies as white, queer, disabled, and nonbinary, and is committed to anti-racism and elevating issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    Program Officer, Creativity and Free Expression - Ford Foundation

  • Masen Davis

    Masen Davis

    Executive Director - Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA)

    Masen Davis is the Executive Director of Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA), a philanthropy-serving organisation (PSO) founded in 1987 to take bold actions and push philanthropy to respond to HIV and AIDS. Masen has spent more than twenty years advancing human rights and healthcare for vulnerable populations. Before joining FCAA, Masen served as interim executive director of Transgender Europe; CEO of Freedom for All Americans; Executive Director of the Transgender Law Center; interim Executive Director of Global Action for Trans Equality; and Senior Director of Special Projects at the Gill Foundation.

    Executive Director - Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA)

  • Matthew Hart

    Matthew Hart

    Executive Director - Global Philanthropy Project (GPP)

    Matthew (Matty) joined as Director of the Global Philanthropy Project in 2015, leading the efforts of an organization internationally recognized as the primary thought leader and go-to partner for philanthropic and development coordination of global LGBTI work. Founder and Principal of the Paris-based Lafayette Practice, Hart has previously served as Senior Strategist for Europe for Funders Concerned about AIDS and National Director for Public Engagement at Solutions for Progress, a US-based social enterprise.

    Hart also serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the Calamus Foundation (DE), and has previously served as a member of the Mediterranean Women’s Fund, The Civil Marriage Collaborative, a board member of Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Philadelphia Cultural Fund, Philadelphia’s Sustainable Business Network, and The Leeway Foundation; and the community funding board of Bread & Roses Fund. A Jonathan Lax Academic Fellow. Hart helped found the Susan Treadwell Memorial Fund and Fellowships at Ariadne. Hart received degrees in Urban Studies and Cultural Anthropology from Temple University.

    Executive Director - Global Philanthropy Project (GPP)

  • Mauro Cabral Grinspan

    Mauro Cabral Grinspan

    Research Consultant Gender Justice- GPP

    Mauro Cabral Grinspan is a Consulting Advisor for Research, Gender Justice with GPP. He joined GPP in March 2022  to coordinate the Task Force on Trans and Intersex Funding and the Task Force on Philanthropic Responses to Anti “Gender Ideology.” In September 2023, Mauro transitioned from this staff role and became a consulting advisor, collaborating with the GPP research and advocacy initiatives.Before joining GPP, Mauro had a long career as a civil society organizer. He co-founded GATE in 2009, serving as its Co-Director between 2009 and 2017, and as its Executive Director between 2017 and 2022. He also coordinated GATE’s international initiative on trans, gender diverse and intersex depathologization.Mauro participated in the elaboration of the Yogyakarta Principles (2007) and of the Yogyakarta Principles Plus Ten, being a signatory of both. Mauro has a Degree in History, and pursued graduate studies in philosophy and gender studies. He serves as an ad honorem scientific collaborator at the Brussels Free University.

    Research Consultant Gender Justice- GPP

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